Friday, June 17, 2011

Hilary Duff Talks Recording New Album in the Summer in Interview

This has been a year of firsts for Hilary Duff. The singer/actress tied the knot for the first time last August and released her first novel in October. Heck, last month, she even tried melon bowling as part of SoBe's Try Anything celebration. (There really is a first time for everything!) Hilary also had her first chat with Wonderwall

recently, during which we talked about her upcoming one-year anniversary, her advice for Disney's most recent grads and what she'd never try.

On the craziest thing she's tried recently:

"I tried foie gras, which I never had before, and I was really terrified. It had cotton candy wrapped around it, so that seemed even more weird to me, and then I ate it and I was like, 'Oh my God, this is amazing,' so I think you have to try everything once, whether it's skydiving, which I'm about to do in a month and I'm very excited and

nervous about, or food or a new outfit or going up and talking to someone that maybe you would be scared to talk to in the first place -- it really just applies to life in general."

On what she'd never try:

"I'm pretty daring. I'm pretty an active person; I like [taking] risks, I like adrenaline rushes, so there's probably not too many activities I wouldn't try, and I'm pretty willing to try any kind of food. I'm scared of [bungee jumping]. I don't know why I'm more scared of that than jumping out of an airplane. That big cord it

could just snap or something! That doesn't mean I wouldn't do it, but I'd still be terrified."

On her first year of marriage:

"We lived apart for the first year, which was unique. He plays hockey in Pittsburgh all year, and I was back and forth. I just went back through my calendar and realized I flew to Pittsburgh 15 times last year. So it was pretty busy, but it was good. A lot of people tell me the first year you get married is really hard, and I think the only

thing we struggled with was just not getting to be together and spending as much time together as we'd wished."

On how being married differs from just dating:

"There's definitely a giddiness after you get married, how you feel towards each other. You're like, 'Oh my God, we just did that!' It's a really exciting, loving time, and I think that lasted for a while, especially since we were apart and then we'd like be together for three days [or] a week -- it just really trying to enjoy one another with the time

that we got. Now it's pretty normal. I mean, it's still exciting to say, 'Oh, he's my husband.' We were really committed to each other before, so it wasn't like that whole thing where getting married made it more serious than it was."

On her and Mike's anniversary plans:

"We are the worst planners. I always joke with him that if it wasn't for the last minute, he wouldn't get anything done. So we don't have any plans set in stone right now, but we have a few ideas. We either want to go back to where we got married because it's an hour outside of Los Angeles, and it's so beautiful. We also have never been

to Napa Valley to go wine tasting -- we'd really like to do that. We don't really like the pressure; we just like to have a good time. It's fun to be last minute. He's always like, 'Pack your bag, we're going here,' and I'm like, 'OK, let's do it.'"

On long-distance relationships:

"You get to a point where you get really strong without the person. I've done it for so long that I get to this point where I'm like, 'Well, I'm just doing fine by myself.' He's home for the summer, so sometimes I expect an adjustment period where I'm like, 'OK, wait a minute. You're coming into my place, and this is how I do things,

and now you're coming in and doing it this way,' but I think I'm just so happy to have him home. We're lucky. We're super compatible."

On how she'd advise Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez on transitioning out of their Disney phase:

"I still feel like I'm transitioning! It's a long process. I think about the frustrations I have sometimes -- if I don't get a certain part that I want or someone's like, 'Oh my God, I know you. You're from Disney!' I'm like, 'Yeah.' You have to accept where you come from and be proud of it. The

best advice is not railing against your past. Just move forward and take your time and be conscious about the steps you take before you take them, because every move you make is so crucial. It's really important to just sit back and really enjoy your success [and] not be embarrassed of where you came from."

On what she thinks her new music will sound like:

"It's hard to say until I get in the studio with a producer and a writer that I'm in love with and feel like really gets me. A pop/rock dance sound is where I want to go because it's what I like. And strong hooks, I think that's the most important -- songs that get stuck in people's heads and that are catchy and make you feel good."

On her foray into indie films:

"I need to put my time in, to be taken seriously as an actress. When I made those big-budget movies, I was 15 and playing a lot of the same characters, and it was perfect for who I was at the time, but now I don't want to continue doing those same projects. It just gives me experience on a smaller scale and gives me a place to

showcase what I'm capable of and learn and play and figure out who I am as an actress."

On what she's looking forward to most this summer:

"Travel. We always make big travel plans over summer. I don't know where we're going yet. We just got back from Hawaii, which was great, but that was like a quick trip. He's never been to Italy before, so I think we might want to go there. And I'm going to start making my record -- that's going to happen like sooner or later. I won't [be

going to Pittsburgh]. I got plenty of Pittsburgh this year. I had a good time, the people were really nice and just crazy about hockey, but no. I'm looking for a place a little sunnier."

Can't wait to hear it. PS. I will at the beach tomorrow so no posting tomorrow.
Music Heaven

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