Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Latest In The Britney Drama

Lynne Spears wants to make sure her own legal team is backing her up during a possible fight over Britney Spears‘ conservatorship.

According to documents, obtained by The Blast, Lynne wants her Louisiana lawyer, Gladstone N. Jones III, to be able to represent her during Friday’s scheduled hearing, so she needs approval by the L.A. judge to allow him to participate.

Lynne’s filing makes it clear it’s in Britney’s best interest to allow her to participate in the hearing, and there is not enough time to officially vet her legal counsel before Friday.

As we first reported, Lynne wants to be actively involved in Britney’s conservatorship case, and will be making an appearance to possibly square off with Jamie Spears and the other co-conservators.

At this point, Lynne has not made a move to become an actual co-conservator, but Britney’s mother just came out to Los Angeles this week, along with her sister, Jamie Lynn, and brother, Bryan.

Lynne was seen Tuesday with Bryan near Britney’s home in Thousand Oaks.


IDK How credible pretty any source right now.  I feel like its hitting the fan.

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